Pri's The World | The Number in The News: 45 — Mr. Motivator wants you to have fun exercising under quarantine

2020-04-17 1

Pri's The World | The Number in The News: 45 — Mr. Motivator wants you to have fun exercising under quarantine
From The World and PRX, this is The Number in the News. Today’s number is 45. As working from home during the novel coronavirus outbreak becomes the new norm, many of us have become even more tethered to our screens — and our chairs — than usual. Luckily, Derrick Evans is here to help. You may know him as Mr. Motivator. He rose to fame in the United Kingdom in the 1990s with his high-energy exercise routines on morning TV — and his neon spandex. Evans says that prolonged periods of staring at a computer screen can take a real toll on the body. That’s why introducing movement throughout the day is key. His first tip? Put sneakers on. On this episode of The World's special feature, the Number in The News, learn small ways to stay pain-free while sitting at your desk.